Absolutely avoided password
- The password should not be the same as the account name.
- Please do not use personal data such as birthday, ID number, or English name.
- Do not use simple combinations such as 1111, 1234, 123456, 2000, aaaa, abcdef, and abc123.
- Passwords should not be left on paper or text files.
Should be avoided password
- Avoid using English words or words such as iloveyou, superman, etc.
- Avoid using numbers all.
- Avoid consecutive numbers or sequences, such as nopqrs, 987654, and so on.
Better password principle
- The longer the password, the better, and the shortest should be more than eight words.
- The password has no obvious meaning.
- The password must remember that a password that cannot be remembered by the user is meaningless.
A password that cannot be easily cracked should have at least:
- An English lower case.
- An English capital.
- A number.
- At least eight words.
- There is no meaningful composition.
Some password setting tips
- Use the Chinese input method keys as a password, for example, the password for the "password" is 5j4up。
- In English a slang or lyrics, take each English word as a password.
- Interspersed with two English words or numbers, for example: abcd + 1234 = a1b2c3d4, but the interleaving of two numbers is meaningless.
- Displace the English alphabet by a few characters, for example: with forward shift three letters → tfqe.
- The principle of self-improvement can be used in combination with the above, or you can customize the principles such as mirror printing and hiding.
- The password should be kept properly to prevent others from knowing it; the password should be changed every 12 months.